Fresno State Library
Geospatial Information Services
The Library's GIS effort supports a wide range of technologies (e.g. geographic information systems, remote sensing, and global positioning systems) and the following:
- access to and assistance with GIS software and spatial data resources
- consultations and support for Fresno State students and faculty
- Fresno State's introductory GIS courses
- access to computers with ESRI's ArcGis
GIS Projects
View more library GIS projects and visit the student showcase.
Map and Aerial Locator Tool
MALT is a spatially enabled web-based application to search for maps and historical aerials in the Central Valley region of California. NOTE: Best viewed in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.
Library Walking Directions
An app which helps the user to find their way to other Fresno State buildings.
Fresno State Worldwide Collaboration Dashboard
An interactive dashboard shows Fresno State faculty international collaborations.
San Joaquin Valley Groundwater
An interactive map, California's San Joaquin Valley, showing the depth to ground water from 1970 to the current water year; featuring a swipe tool for comparison of two different years.
3-D Groundwater Model
A 3-D model of groundwater levels, requiring a desktop web browser supporting WebGL; not supported on mobile devices. NOTE: Best viewed in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.
Heat and Income in Fresno Metro Area
An interactive map showing surface heat and income level may be correlated in Fresno Metro area, using Summer 2021 data.
City of Fresno Crime Dashboard
A dashboard shows current crimes in the City of Fresno. The dashboard includes a map displaying crime distribution (no exact locations of the incidents displayed, click a dot will display details of a crime), the six indicators showing major crime status comparing to 7-day average, and the six line charts displaying crime by types since Jan. 7, 2022. Crime status is also available by Fresno PD district.
City of Fresno Crime Map
A map shows crimes in the city of Fresno. Viewers can display specific crime type by using the filter widget. The time slider enable viewers to view temporal changes of the crimes over time.
Contact Information
Library Building5200 N. Barton Ave., M/S UL34
Fresno, CA 93740-8014
P: 559.278.8457
Find on Google Maps.
Schedule One-on-one or Small-group Assistance
We provide assistance:
- by appointment, or
- GIS Help Desk ZOOM
: The desk opens from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. every day except Thursday.
GIS Staff
- Xiaoming Yang
- With more than twenty-three years of experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing (RS), soft-copy photogrammetry, and global positioning systems (GPS), Dr. Yang has been involved in more than one hundred different projects ranging from health and human policy analyses to urban ecology analysis.