Fresno State Library
Tech Lending
We want to hear from you! Send us your questions or special requests so we can get you what you need to succeed. If you have suggestions for what we need to stock, you can send them to us.
Student Tech Items Faculty Tech Items
Lending Policies and Expectations
Loan Policies
2 Photo ID's required for all equipment loans:
- Required ID: Campus-issued photo ID (Bulldog Card) AND
- 2nd Required ID: Drivers License, Passport, California ID, or other Government issued ID
- There are no exceptions. We do not accept pictures, nor photocopies, of any ID.
Overdue Materials
Patrons are responsible for returning all late items. You may view checkout lengths for each item in the catalog pages above. Failure to receive an overdue notice from the library does not exempt you from any lost fines/fees.
Lost or Damaged Items
Patrons are responsible for the cost of all items plus a $10 processing fee.
Renewal Policy
Due to the limited supply of equipment, there are no renewals allowed. After an item is returned, patrons may checkout a similar item after 24 hours. Items must be returned by the due date.