Fresno State Library
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- Future Students
Future Students
If you are considering coming to Fresno State for any reason, here are some campus resources and services available to you.
Fresno State Library Services
If you are already participating in the ”Bulldog Bound“ program, these are the services currently available for you.
Available Library Services
Library Materials Checkout Privileges
Access to library materials, which include checking out books and media (up to 10 items at once). Access to Tech Lending items will be excluded.
Access to Computers in the Library
Access to over 150 computer workstations for browsing the Library catalog, the Internet, and using a range of Microsoft Office applications. All are connected to the campus Pay-for-Print service.
Instruction Opportunities
Upon request, the library will arrange and offer specialized instruction sessions to equip students with essential research and information literacy skills. Through these opportunities, students will learn effective search strategies, how to navigate our extensive resources, and critically evaluate information sources. Our librarians will guide students in maximizing the library's offerings, fostering confidence and independence in their academic pursuits.
Access to Journals, Databases and Electronic Resources from within the library
To use library-provided electronic resources, Bulldog Bound program students must visit the Fresno State Library and access these resources from within the library's computer network.
Instructional Materials & Tutorials
As part of a campus-managed Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), the library will participate in creating tutorials and teaching materials to enhance the students’ learning experience. The library tutorials will focus on information literacy, research skills, and effective use of library resources.
Library Tours
Upon request, our staff will offer guided tours of our library. Through these tours, students will have the opportunity to explore our diverse collections, discover our study spaces, and familiarize themselves with the wide range of services provided by the library. The tours will also showcase the resources and technology available, emphasizing the valuable academic support that Fresno State’s Library offers to Bulldog Bound students.
Services on Fresno State Campus
Read through these resources if you are thinking about coming but haven't taken any other actions.